Former And New ROBA Board Handover Meeting

Former And New ROBA Board Handover Meeting

ROBA and ANE are implementing the principle of their cooperation and collaboration depicted in the MOU. as part of the ANE support to ROBA, is related to strengthening of the governance management and supporting reforms of the leadership of ROBA. In accordance to this, ANE Supported the fund and the facilitation of the former and newly elected board handovers meeting conducted on June 2018 at ANE Head office in Addis Ababa. Besides indirect manpower and material support, ANE covered the perdiem and other travel related expended for the meeting participants that traveled to Addis from Kofele and Shashamane. A total of 18 people participated in the joint meeting of the two boards. The former board had officially handed over the necessary materials as uses and responsibilities to the newly ROBA board besides, a thorough discussion had been made during the meeting and a new leadership and management working strategies and directions had been approved and directives of time. the resulting outcome of the joint meeting confirmed the commitment and progress of the partnership development both parties are undertaking.

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